Mirai and Kizuna are at a dance audition, but it seems the producers weren’t impressed! The producers suggest trying the dance again wearing only panties! Mirai seems willing but Kizuna is too shy. Maybe Mirai can convince her?
Kizuna AI v5.0 – Justlooking, Supay
Mirai Akari – LLOYDv1.2
Shadow Person 2.2 – Mister Orzo
Photo Studio – Kaahgomedl
重心表示ボーン_Ver1.1: ジュウ
貼り紙 – Takokan_jp
Light Equipment – cubp
Motion – やまと
Various Motions – Kusamochi, KEITEL
RayMMD, PowerDOF_v006, Diffusion7, WorkingFloorAL
Materials by demitasse and sarashinuz
This took me way too long! Sorry for not posting for a long time.
Let me know what you think or write any suggestions down below!