As a result of successive failure of large ship construction, the resources of the naval base almost disappeared.
The navy minister, who is the chief executive of the budget, comes to visit.
The navy minister brings her granddaughter Ooshio as an assistant officer.
Suzuya decided to host the navy minister. Admiral is worried that she will be rude.
“Okay,Okay,leave it to Suzuya!”
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☆The view of the world of this naval base 8☆
Inperial Japanese Navy General Stuff makes strategy planning and guides war.
Ministry of Navy is an organization under the Cabinet. Ministry of Navy will govern laws and budgets.
President IJN General Stuff and The navy minister are both direct reports of the Emperor.
Both classes are general, so it is formally equivalent.
However President IJN General Stuff has Kanmusu under his control. That’s why he is arrogant.
· Navy Minister
The highest post that the naval officer without Admiral’s aptitude can take office. The head of the navy ministry.
He has no admiral experience. That’s why he never got a harem of Kanmusu. His only sex experienced person is wife alone.
He is a very honest man.
· Destroyer Ooshio
She is a real granddaughter of the Navy Minister.
She had Kanmusu’s aptitude. That is why she is conscripted and becomes Ooshio.
Navy Minister makes granddaughter his aide. To prevent her being having sex with the Admiral.
She had no experience in battle and became the second renovation with exercises only.
She is a very cherished girl. She definitely wants to appear on the front line.