There was a cute girl who swears a future for a certain male junior high school student. However, she had Kanmusu’s aptitude. She was drafted and became Kanmusu destroyer Fubuki and left school.
A year has passed since then. She stopped contacting him at all. He worried about her.
And he visited a naval base where she was assigned.
It becomes a sequel of “Junior Admiral NTR Atago and Sazanami Yuudachi Jintuu”.
次回予告(Next notice)→https://www.iwara.tv/images/%E6%AC%A1%E5%9B%9E%E3%81%AE%E7%B4%94%E6%84…
☆The view of the world of this naval base 9☆
Those who turn out to have Admiral Aptitude are promptly enrolled in the Naval Academy School. Forcibly.
They are subjected to three month speedy training. They become second lieutenant.
And they are assigned to the vacant Navy Base and become Admiral.
Initially, the Admiral is assigned with a small scale naval base of low risk importance with the initial Kanmusu.
Admiral learns the fundamentals of fleet operation while increasing Kanmusu under the control. (Junior Admiral is this stage)
When the Admiral acquires a certain amount of battle and becomes a captain, he will transfer to the mid-sized naval base together with his subordinate Kanmusu.
So basically Admiral and all Kanmusu under control will move together.
Like the replacement of the territory of the Sengoku Daimyo in Japan.(Good-natured admiral, Synchronization admiral are This stage)
When the Admiral obtains further battle result, he becomes Lieutenant Colonel.
And they will transfer to large naval bases or overseas territories. To the region with the most fighting.
And the Admiral and Kanmusu continue fierce fighting. (There are a large number of Admiral who are killed at this stage)
Especially those who are superior in battle result will be transferred to Inperial Japanese Navy General Stuff. Ultimately he will get to President IJN General Stuff.
On the other hand, naval officers who did not find Admiral Aptitude become backwards support personnel.
They eventually have the potential to become a Navy Minister.