LikeHugeB twitter: you have any questions, you can send me a private message on Twitter or patreon高画质版本Sponsored website: Patreon[2K60FPS]:見てくれてありがとう,2 Kバージョンがスポンサーサイトにアップロードされました!The 2K version has been uploaded to my sponsorship website!經受不住極端刺激的星河獵手卡芙卡不慎落入花火的陷阱,被帶到秘密場所承受花火帶來的歡愉洗禮,起初卡芙卡還有所抗拒,但是發現開拓者已經落入他們的手裡,害怕開拓者受傷的卡芙卡只能被迫順從,隨著調教的不斷深入,逐漸落入歡愉的深淵,更加備受精神打擊的是開拓者也目睹了這一切。The Hunter of the Galaxy, Kafka, unable to resist extreme stimulation, inadvertently falls into Sparkle’s trap and is taken to a secret location to endure the pleasure brought by Sparkle. Initially resistant, Kafka discovers that the Pioneer has fallen into their hands and, fearing for the Pioneer’s safety, Kafka is forced to comply. As the training deepens, Kafka gradually falls into the abyss of pleasure, further exacerbated by the Pioneer witnessing it all.