2K高清下载:https://www.patreon.com/iskanimen国内赞助:https://app.unifans.io/c/iskanime花火太适合兔子洞这个题材了,其实之前就想做了,只是时间没赶上,不过也有好处,这次做的时候就参考了很多其他人的作品,做的速度快了很多。虽然我还是更喜欢花火,但总要换换口味了,下期打算做一个《芙宁娜大冒险》的游戏,类似之前花火的游戏,这次会尽量加一点互动,以及更多剧情。预计这次会花费更多时间制作,所以中途会尽量发布一个测试版。nSparkle is perfect for the theme of ‘Rabbit Hole.’ I actually wanted to do this before, but I didn’t have the time. However, there are benefits too, as this time I referenced many other people’s works when making it, so the process was much faster.Although I still prefer fireworks, it’s good to change things up. For the next project, I plan to create a game called ‘Furina’s Great Adventure,’ similar to the previous Sparkle’s game but with more interactivity and a richer storyline. I anticipate that this project will take more time to create, so I plan to release a beta version midway through the processmodel:dab_nekocloth:01musumestage:くてしふぉん/YanLinnmotion:mobiusP/ひな