
You can support me to get 2K and 1080p versionPatreon:https://www.patreon.com/iskanime从过年之前就在打算做闲云和申鹤双飞,耽误了点时间拖到了年后,让大家久等了!这次渲染效果有了很大提升,接下来也会尽量参照这个来做,至于配音方面可能还要改进一下,也许就直接做成MV的类型,不要配音就好了。下一期是星穹铁道的花火,看着还挺有意思的,希望能做出那种感觉来。最后感谢大家的赞助支持,如果有什么意见的话可以随时在评论里提出来,也可以加Discord或者QQ赞助群(群号在Discord里),一些比较零碎的制作过程会发到Discord。I’ve been planning to create a video featuring Xianyun and Shenhe’s dual flying since before the Chinese New Year. It took a bit longer than expected, and I apologize for making everyone wait!The rendering quality has significantly improved this time, and I’ll try to follow this standard for future videos. As for the voiceovers, they might need some improvement. Perhaps I’ll consider making it more like a music video without voiceovers.The next episode will showcase the Sparkle of the Star:Rail, which seems quite interesting. I hope to capture that feeling in the video.Finally, I want to express my gratitude for everyone’s sponsorship and support. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment anytime, or you can join the Discord. Some more fragmented production processes will be shared on Discord.model:Dab_neko