更新了四年,没想到已经有50k粉丝了我知道最近新站很不容易,很卡我也因为这个一直没更新,这一期播放量和点赞量可能也不会高,但是感谢兄弟们的点赞和赞助了~It has been updated for four years, but I didn’t expect to have 50k fans,I know that the new website is not easy recently. It’s too laggy. I haven’t updated it because of this. The number of views and likes in this issue may not be high, but thanks for your Like and sponsorship~——————————赞助/Sponsor:• 4K UHD 60fps verPatreon丨爱发电丨大梦商城You can support and sponsor if you like~创作不易,喜欢我的作品可以赞助支持我的创作~——————————感谢您的观看和支持!~Thank you for your watching and support! ~