Patreonで連載中のエロトラップダンジョンもの。東方世界にいきなり現れたエロトラップダンジョンをレミリア様が攻略するお話です。前編は股間擦り機に拘束されるお話、今回は催眠をかけられちゃうお話、最後は猫化させられちゃう話って構成です。前編は既にPatreonで公開中です。また、Patreonには高画質版とIFEND動画がありますのでよろしければ是非ご支援くださいませ。This is an erotic trap dungeon story serialized on Patreon.In this story, Remilia-sama conquers an erotic trap dungeon that suddenly appeared in the Eastern world.In the first part, she is restrained by a crotch rubbing machine, this time she is hypnotized, and in the last part, she is turned into a cat.The first part is already available on Patreon, but the final part is still under construction.The high quality version and the IFEND movie are available on Patreon, so please support us if you like.