AM6:00 提督の朝は早い。愛宕は本日非番なのでゆっくり寝かせてあげよう。
AM7:00 見回りをしつつ執務室へ向かう。島風は今日も元気が良い。
AM8:00 朝食の後、秘書官大淀と打合せ。彼女に書類の送付を頼む。
AM9:00 加賀から提供された物品を受領する。彼女の相談を親身になって聞く。
AM10:00 蒼龍が困った様子。どうやらクレーンの先に艦載機が不時着してしまったらしい。
AM11:00 無事に艦載機を回収する。蒼龍とクレーンの上でしばし懇談。
PM0:00 瑞鳳が昼食を持参してくれた。とても美味しい卵焼きだ。美味すぎて体が痺れるようだ。
次回予告(Next notice)→https://www.iwara.tv/images/%E6%AC%A1%E5%9B%9E%E3%81%AE%E8%89%A6%E5%A8…
Admiral of this navy base seems to be sending very busy days ww
Below, excerpt from Admiral’s official diary.
AM 6:00 Admiral’s morning is early. Atago is off duty today so let’s sleep it slowly.
AM 7:00 Going to the office while looking around. Shimakaze is also good today.
AM 8:00 After breakfast, meeting with Secretary Oyodo. I asked her to send the document.
AM 9:00 I received goods provided from Kaga. Listen to her consultation as a friend.
AM 10:00 Souryuu is in trouble. She seems to have crashed her plane above the crane.
AM 11:00 Restored the plane safely. I had a chat with Souryuu on the crane.
PM 0:00 Zuihou brought me lunch. It is very delicious Japanese rolled omelette. It’s too tasty and my body seems numb.
I will also produce this afternoon.