I’m trying to get longer, you know, here and there, it takes time to work out.nI made MEI’s video this time, I hope you can continue to like it.nIf my work had been finished, I should have done better, but you know there is always so little time, and one thing leads to another.让我分析一下长视频的坏处:n一、很kun吧累。n二、原视频只能上720p甚至更低n三、网友手冲次数更多了对身体不好(😀)Do not use for commercial purposes, click the link below to get the original video(晚点上传):nhttps://mega.nz/file/6VRH0TqB#Z4tmoKmDzEVm2Xr1NOx7CIW0MIC297XDHd9Clv0yYZ4(1080p)nhttps://mega.nz/file/bYAXEKQC#8hi79lf0bE8KFghVpKRzAGEKnLK8RaE8kHfiuI3IbD8(Source)