※この動画はepisode 1です。This video is episode 1.
【episode 2】→純愛比叡さんと弱気提督 Pure love Hiei and shy admiral (patreon old works)
【episode 3】→NTR比叡さんと榛名白露 NTR Hiei and Haruna Shiratsuyu (patreon old works)
【episode 4】→NTR 千代田 さんと彼氏くん NTR Chiyoda and Boyfriend https://www.iwara.tv/videos/3wxgzt7jlt4wbz2v
次回予告(Next notice)→https://www.iwara.tv/images/%E6%AC%A1%E5%9B%9E%E3%81%AE%E6%B7%AB%E5%A4…
Synchronization of Good-natured admiral will come to visit.
He brings his wife Haruna.
(It is a different person from Haruna who tried to Animal rape Kirishima)
Good-natured admiral will accompany his wife Kirishima and will respond.
Haruna and Kirishima will soon get along.
But the real purpose of the synchronous admiral was to NTR other admiral’s wife.
☆ The view of the world of this naval base 2☆
It is necessary to counter many Abyssal fleet’s.
The Kanmusu Naval Base is installed in most of Japan’s major ports.
The number exceeds 1000.
But only those with ability to communicate with the fairy can become admiral.
Admiral is always in short supply.
Those who are recognized as having this ability are enlistment immediately.
Regardless of age and gender.
They are admitted to the Naval Academy School and become Admiral.
This is the reason, Admiral of the youth, Admiral of the women, Admiral of Shota exist a lot.