前回、ご主人様を騙してケーキ代金を稼いだスライムちゃん。しかし、騙していたことがご主人様にばれてしまう。許してもらおうと何度も謝りますが…Last time, Slime-chan cheated the master to earn money for a cake.However, the master finds out that she has been cheating him.Slime-chan apologizes repeatedly to the Master and begs for his forgiveness…Fantia/Patreonには少し早く投稿します。Fantiaは無料で高画質版もあるので、よろしければへ加入をお願いします。High quality videos are also posted, so please join Fantia/Patreon if you like.Also, if anyone wants to support me in continuing my video production, I would be happy if you could join the tipping plan.Patreon / fantia / X=Twitter