小♂︎弟弟,你要不要,接我一♀︎賤之後確定都是這種形式了,大概有60%的時間都在Sexn每個禮拜至少更新1部,並且每個月固定1部HMVn純舞蹈版本我會設置在私人nDiscord常常會舉辦下一部腳色的投票n我和Poyo的Discord: https://discord.gg/aEGPSWHHTeAfter that, it was determined that it was all in this form, and I spent about 60% of the time in Sex.nUpdate at least 1 video every week, and Update 1 HMV video every monthThe dance only version I will set in privateDiscord often holds polls for the next characterMy Discord with Poyo: https://discord.gg/aEGPSWHHTe